New Beginnings! It’s Aries Season.
We’ve entered Aries, the zodiac’s first sign in chronological order – it initiates the tabula rasa. The blank slate. The new beginnings. Who do you want to be?
Happy Spring! Happy (Astrological) New Year!
We are just a few days into Aries Season and Aries – as the zodiac’s first sign in chronological order – initiates the tabula rasa. The blank slate. The new beginnings.
Mercury – the Messenger planet who “moves the plot forward” as my colleague Emmalea Russo shared – enters Aries on April 3rd and opens the first chapter on the blank canvas for the zodiac until the 19th. Reflect on your Aries ruled desires, wantings, and life-force. Consider how Mercury in Aries wants you own these desires and communicate them.
On April 11th, the New Moon in Aries is asking “Who do you want to be? To do what you want to do? In order to have the results you want to have?” Aries ideas turn dominant social thinking upside down when it reminds us: being comes before doing and doing comes before having. So often we think we need to have before we can do in order to be. Not according to Aries!
Romantic Venus enters Taurus on April 14th until May 4th. Venus in Taurus inspires meaningful pleasure, embodiment, and the joy of communing with the creative, aesthetic arts. This is a transit where we can pursue pleasure for pleasure’s sake. Especially a year into the pandemic, we can absolutely center pleasure as a regenerative function of our resilience.
Then Taurus Season begins on April 20th until May 20th. After the wide range of fire fueled experiences of Aries, we’re asked to prioritize what we “value” in grounded earth Taurus Season. From the people, places, things, and moments. Clarify your values under Taurus Season and reflect on ways that you can live into them as a path for claiming more safety and security. Since what is more “secure” than knowing you’re the person you claim to be because you walk your talk and your life proves it?
Mars – the Planet of Desire – enters the oceans of Cancer on April 23rd until June 11th. Mars in Cancer has the zodiac experiencing their wantings for emotional safety and the people, places, and experiences that feel like home, sweet home. Mars in Cancer gives us the invitation to examine our emotions and feelings as instructions/directives for our desires. Asking “Is this coming from appetite, trauma-response, or adrenaline? Could this becoming from desire instead?”
The annual Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th is sure to complete a chapter of intimacy, optimized-authenticity, and transformation which began on November 15th 2020. It’ll bring up meaningful emotional experiences that may be uncomfortable to process but necessary in order for us to “see” an aspect of our lives with the most honest lens.
The very next day, Pluto begins a it’s annual six month retrograde. Pluto is in Capricorn and so this retrograde has us investigates the structures, boundaries, and internal/external institutions in our lives which no longer serve our integrity. Approach the Capricorn ruled areas of your life from a place of 100% responsibility. See yourself entirely at “Cause” so that you can change whatever “Effect” is no longer the outcome you want.
Aries: Happy Birthday, Aries! Remember to tell the Universe all your birthday wishes under the annual New Moon in Aries on April 11th. Write down all your intentions and desires for the year ahead fearlessly; then listen carefully to the direction you receive for manifestation. Taurus Season begins on April 20th and helps you ground down into values, financial security, embodiment and pleasure until May 20th. Mars enters your Cancer ruled home/family zone on April 23rd until June 11th; inspiring you to develop greater clarity on your contexts for emotional safety. The annual Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th is a sexy, intimate, and passionate one. Investigate your erotic longings and sexual fantasies with people you trust!
Taurus: Take a sabbatical, Taurus. Aries Season – as the month before yours! – helps you pause, reflect, and recenter. The New Moon in Aries on April 11th wants you intentions on completion, finality, and letting of all existential things that hold you back. Then the Sun enters Taurus on April 20th until May 20th! Centering your dreams, goals, and wantings for the entire month. May all your dreams come true! Mars enters your Cancer ruled language zone on April 23rd until June 11th empowering you to be even more fluent in the nonverbal communication; perception of emotion, and the listening to the emotions too. Then the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th is sure to invite a new relational zone, deepen the dynamic, or complete a relationship because the lessons are complete too!
Gemini: Clock out, Gemini! Aries Season takes you of the hyper-productivity and professional contributions you’ve made and into socializing – digitally or at a distance of course! – with your ride or dies. The New Moon in Aries on April 11th wants your intentions on friendship, political activism, and collaboration. Since the quality of the results is largely determined by the collaborative energy. When the Sun enters Taurus on April 20th, you’re asked to go within and take time to recharge your energy and review the last year before the Sun enters Gemini on May 20th. Mars enters your Cancer ruled income, pleasure, and safety zone on April 23rd until June 11th helping you frame the emotions you have when experiencing both pleasure and security. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th inspires you to commit to a routine, ritual, or consistent activity of some kind which optimizes your emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual wellbeing!
Cancer: You’re the MVP, Cancer! Aries Season gives you experiences of professional success, leadership opportunities, and also the invitation to start a self-employed adventure too. Believe in yourself; you can do it! The New Moon in Aires on April 11th wants your professional intentions; so be clear on naming what you want and also languaging it to others so everyone’s on the same page. Taurus Season begins on April 23rd until May 20th and this chapter is meant to connect you to the people who determine your life quality. From family, friends, lovers, and coworkers, Taurus Season helps you see your community of connections and inspires you to show up with even more mutuality, empathy, and compassion for your people. Mars enters your sign for the first time in two years until June 11th! Mars in Cancer wants you to step into autonomy, freedom, and the vibrancy of knowing you are becoming the person you want to be. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th inspires vulnerable, powerful self-disclosure. Share what’s in your heart!
Leo: Don’t you love an “Ah-ha!” moment, Leo? Aries Season will be full of them! Rich with new wisdom, exploration, and the discovery of information which optimizes your path. Just remember to apply, apply, apply the new information! The New Moon in Aries on April 11th wants your intentions on wisdom and learning. What areas of your life could use more education? Where are you struggling with uncertainty? This New Moon wants to help! The Sun enters Taurus on April 20th until May 20th this begins an ambitious, productive, and professionally successful chapter! Remember to ground down with values which want to be successfully applied to your career. Mars enters your Cancer ruled completion zone on April 23rd until June 11th and inspires you to bravely initiate closure where you have to. Let go faithfully so the Universe can give you higher-frequency specific realities in the space you cleared. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th could bring about helpful changes related to your home/family zone. Let your feelings on the people and places that feel like home guide you.
Virgo: What’s the big Truth, Virgo? Aries Season helps you frame meaningful truth sharing, authenticity, and intimacy in a big way. Especially on resilience and intimacy. The New Moon in Aries on April 11th wants you to sit with your shadow long enough to have it be seen and then do the integration work in order to give and receive meaningful intimacy. The Sun enters Taurus on April 20th until May 20th and expands your horizons through education, travel, and other learning opportunities which help you collect information that wants to be applied to your life. Mars enters your Cancer ruled friendship and activism sector on April 23rd until June 11th; connecting you to the friends who emotionally support you as beautifully as you support them. If there’s also a social cause you’re passionate about, this is the time to do something about it. The Full Moon in your Scorpio ruled communication sector on April 26th helps you read between the lines a bit more effectively; hearing and gaining fluency in the cues, tones, and body language.
Libra: It takes 2 or more, Libra! Aries Season is your most relational, romantic, and interpersonal. You’re understanding who you want, why you want them, and who you don’t want and why, too. The New Moon in Aries wants your intentions on the giving and receiving of romantic love. Write down what you want to receive from romantic partners and what you’d like to give to them as well. Taurus Season’s start on April 20th helps you go deeper with potential and current partners and develop meaningful intimacy through your truth sharing in the relationship and sexual imagination too. Reveal, don’t conceal. Mars enters your Cancer ruled work zone on April 26th giving your leadership skills a big boost that also expect to be demonstrated too! If you’ve been thinking about starting your own self-employed venture, this is the time to do it. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th wants you to feel more embodied, pleasurable, and centered in what you value. Prioritize all the things that make you secure and happy!
Scorpio: Let’s work at making your life work, Scorpio! Aries Season wants you to explore the cause and effect relationship between habits and successful outcomes. What are the little changes you can make which gives you big success? The New Moon in Aries on April 11th wants your intentions on a routine for wellbeing so you can set your life up to generate resilience through discomfort, change, and uncertainty. Taurus Season begins on April 20th until May 20th and opens up the opportunities for chemistry across contrast. This is your most romantic time of year as you stay willing to allow opposites-attract style experiences to guide you. Mars enters your Cancer ruled intelligence sector until June 11th helping you understand new ways of being, thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways which support your emotional health. Just remember – when you know better, be sure to do better! Your annual Full Moon gives you the chance to cosmically reset on April 26th. It’s an opportunity for new beginnings so stay focused on the present; who you want to be, what you want to do, and who you want to do it with. Without taking too much of the past’s hurt with you.
Sagittarius: You’re worth it, Sag! Aries Season lights up your confidence and creativity sector. Reminding you just how worthy you are of creative contributions especially while you share the stories that are held in your heart. April 11th’s New Moon in Aries wants you to identify the willingness to self-disclose your inner world, your courage, and hopes, fears, and desires to the people who genuinely need to hear it. When Taurus Season begins on April 20th until May 20th, this is your invitation to spring clean. Clean up the inner world and outer world in ways that optimize your focus, mindfulness, and routines for wellbeing. Mars enters your Cancer ruled sexualtiy and intimacy zone on April 23rd until June 11th helping you understand the connections between emotional safety and sexual pleasure. When we feel safe, we surrender control. And that’s the beginning of softening into eroticism. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th gives you a closure of some kind. Especially as you’re willing to apply compassionate truth telling and sharing.
Capricorn: There’s no place like home, Cap! Aries Season invites you to clarify the emotional contexts for home. What if home was a feeling? What if family was whoever you chose? The New Moon in Aries wants your intentions on strengthening bonds to both family and home. Then listen carefully to the direction you receive to feel at home! When Taurus Season begins on April 20th until May 20th, you’ll be utilizing this newfound emotional strength towards vulnerable self-disclosure and ways to soften into risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure. We know vulnerability is our superpower now! So choose it and get your power back. Mars enters your Cancer ruled relational zone and you’ll be confronted with contrast. So often we want our lovers to be us. And so we reject and get uncomfortable with difference. Try to understand “the other” and go beyond your comfort zone to understand their validity not just liability. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th helps you understand which friends are the most trustworthy. Trust is loaded word so I like Rachel Botsman’s definition when she says it’s a “confident relationship with the unknown”. How can you confidently engage with the unknown because of the friends by your side?
Aquarius: Use your words, Aquarius! Aries Season helps you frame cognition, listening, and communication with more power and understanding. The New Moon in Aires on April 11th wants you to be super honest with yourself and consider how your communication and focus can improve so other people – and you ! – feel seen, known, heard, and understood. When Taurus Season begins on April 20th until May 20th, you’ll be getting clearer of valuing home, emotional safety, and family. Reunite and/or cultivate the contexts for the people, places, and experiences that feel like home. Mars enters your Cancer ruled wellbeing sector on April 23rd until June 11th and has you committing to a routine which optimizes your emotional safety, regulation, and intelligence. You’re understanding the power of emotion and how it cultivates a life of richer meaning and intimate relationships. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th is a full circle moment in your career. A truth, turning point, and transition could be followed so look at the experience as helping you locate the most authentic and meaningful path for professional success.
Pisces: Can you own your wanting, Pisces? That’s how couple’s therapist Esther Perel defines “desire” and Aries Season wants you to own your wanting so you can claim more safety. The New Moon in Aries on April 11th wants your intentions on security, financial freedom, pleasure, and embodiment. Taurus Season’s start on April 20th until May 20th illuminates your curiosities, communications, and perception. This is a month of mental magic which empowers you to use your words carefully, listen to the words of others, and perceive the space between you and others with compassion. Mars enters your Cancer ruled creativity, courage, and worthiness sector on April 23rd until June 11th which inspires you to share the stories and truths that are typically held safely but silently in your heart. Give voice to what you’re feeling! Share it with others who genuinely need to hear it. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th lights up your vision, optimism, hope, and faith. You’ll be tasked with generating more possibility and excitement from vision over circumstances.