In Bed With
Laney Crowell Knows Self-Care
How do you carve out time for yourself as a mom, founder & CEO? To find out, we chatted with the woman who does it all– Laney Crowell of Saie Beauty. She shares with us her calming bedtime routine, how she partakes in daily self-care and her health & wellness goals for the year.
Do you have a bedtime ritual?
I go to bed very early. At 8pm, after my kids are down, I put my pajamas on and climb into bed. I usually have my laptop open and finish some work while watching a light-hearted tv show. My favorite is Seinfeld! Then I’ll catch up with my husband for a little bit before turning off the lights at 9:30. I take a few supplements to help me sleep: magnesium, CBD and melatonin.
What do you wear to bed?
I wear a Skims tank top and a pair of boxers, usually my husband’s. I don’t know what makes men’s boxers the best, but they just are.
What is on your bedside table?
I have a large glass of water, a mini humidifier, and a tray to put my watches and rings.
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Definitely an early bird. If someone suggests dinner past 7pm, I laugh.
Which scent makes you think of bedtime?
Are you reading or watching anything good at the moment?
I’m reading a book called Contagious.
What are some nighttime items you cannot live without?
My silk eye mask and my ear plugs. I need complete silence and darkness to fall asleep.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching TV before bed. I wish I was someone who read, but I’m just not.
What are your favorite beauty trends at the moment? Which do you hope are short lived?
I love the ‘no makeup, makeup’ look. I think it’s important for people to look like themselves. I would be totally ok with stenciled in eyebrows not being a thing.
What health & wellness trends are you interested in trying this year?
I’m diving into the world of home face tools, like Nuface and Ziip. I think it’s really important to take the time to feel good.
How do you engage in self-care?
In almost every moment of every day, I think about self-care. How can I be the best version of myself? I am always hydrating with lots of water, I make time for meditation and movement everyday, I think kind thoughts, and I go to sleep every night thinking about what I’m grateful for.
What is your favorite way to de-stress?
I love an indulgent bath with salts and bubbles. Ideally there’s a candle near by to light, and some essential oils. I keep face masks near the bath so that I can apply one or two while I’m relaxing.
What is your favorite workout at the moment?
I love playing tennis because it’s such a fun game and my mind focuses on something other than work for a full hour! Plus I love learning something new.
What do you consider the single most important thing for a good night’s sleep?
A great pillow.
What was your favourite childhood bedtime story?
“Goodnight Moon.”
What is your skincare routine like? Do you have any holy grail products?
I’m very into things that make my skin glow, so I adore the Red Daily Glow tonic and Slip Tint that’s just so hydrating.
How would you choose to spend one hour of free time?
Moving my body and meditating. Even if it’s just a walk.
If you could choose a song to wake up to every morning, what would it be?
Some great jazz like Coltrane.