Inhale Exhale
How Motherhood Changed Ziba Lennox’s Approach to Wellness
Meet Ziba Lennox, New York and Chicago based style blogger and MaZi Dance Fitness cofounder. We chatted with her about all things motherhood, health & wellness, and bedtime. Plus, she shares the best gift to give any mom in need of some R&R this Mother’s Day…and we couldn’t agree more!
What’s the greatest lesson your own mother taught you about wellness or beauty?
My mom has always been into skincare and make-up. She had us taking care of ourselves early on with a skincare routine. No matter how bad of day she has or how she’s feeling, she’ll still put her face on and do her entire routine! For as hard as she’s tried to make my sister and I maintain a skincare routine, at the end of the day she always says the most beautiful people are beautiful because they are kind.
Do you have any nightly rituals or habits that were inspired by your mom?
Taking off my make-up and moisturizing my face no matter what! Also, she’s always liked a smokey chocolatey eye with red lips, and I notice myself gravitating towards it! I am becoming her.
How did becoming a mother affect your wellness and beauty habits?
I feel that retaining beauty and wellness routines really helps with keeping your identity. When you’re a mom, you lose yourself for a bit and it’s both wonderful and humbling, but also scary at times. I was a professional ballet dancer in my youth through early 20’s and to this day, I have to move my body to feel like me! Luckily, I get do so most days at my fitness company I co-own with my sister: MaZi Dance Fitness. It can be the worst, most stressful day and after my workout I’m ready to be a problem solver.
What do you want for Mother’s Day? What will you be giving?
To spend it with my mother! I also love a great bouquet of flowers. I love to give functional luxury gifts to the special moms in my life: The sleep code pajamas are up there on the list as a daily luxury that any mom will feel special wearing.
Rapid Fire Round:
Do you have a bedtime ritual?
I always head to my boys’ rooms before going to bed to kiss them and make sure they’re asleep! Many women around the world don’t have the luxury of putting their kids to bed; some because they don’t have a home, some because they are working in other parts of the world to send money home. I feel deep gratitude nightly to tuck them in.
What do you wear to bed?
I always wear nice pajamas, like the Juliette Pajama Set! I wish I were a cool girl that can sleep in the nude but I’m always cold and am concerned that I may need to go help with my kids with something in the middle of the night!
What is on your bedside table?
A book, water, jewelry of the day and a prayer book as well. On nights I can’t sleep, it helps to pray instead of getting back on my phone.
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Definitely a night owl! I feel amazing from 5 pm- midnight. I think more clearly, have energy and creative ideas. It’s terrible because my husband is the opposite. I feel super lethargic before 7 AM, I just don’t bother getting up before then. It doesn’t go well for anyone! I’m such night owl that my kids don’t rise before 7 either. I willed them to wake up later.
Which scent makes you think of bedtime?
Crisp clean sheets and the back of my husband’s neck. Instantly relaxes me!
Are you reading or watching anything good at the moment?
I just finished Bridgerton like everyone else and am deeply inspired to see diversity without calling it that. It just is. I have a problem with magazines having “the curvy issue” or “the black issue”, as if there has to be a specific issue for different types of people instead of showcasing diversity all the time. I’m a first generation Mexican American, and can relate to not seeing my culture represented often. I also just finished reading “Pretty Little Fools” by Jillian Cantor, it’s a spin-off about the women of the Great Gatsby. It was shocking to realize how little power women had, not so long ago. To not have one’s own economy, the opportunity to make one’s own choices, or the ability to leave a bad marriage– I know it still happens today, but I feel that despite the struggles, we have more choices.
What are some nighttime items you cannot live without?
My skincare routine, my mouth guard (so not sexy!), and The Sleep Code pjs of course!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Probably jewelry. My mom always says that it’s the ultimate expression of love.
Are there any health & wellness trends you’re interested in trying?
My mom said that sipping on water with a sprinkle of baking soda helps alkalinize your body so I am gonna try that!
How do you engage in self-care?
My fitness classes at MaZi, but I need to be better about taking a day off. I work 24/7 and have for 14 years, and it’s not sustainable.
What is your favorite way to de-stress?
Getting on a plane and reading a book because I have no internet, or having a meal with my family!
What do you consider the single most important thing for a good night’s sleep?
Not holding grudges.
What was your favourite childhood bedtime story?
My mom is a gifted storyteller and she would make one up most nights. It’s incredible the things she’d come up with, usually to address a problem she was having with us. I hope she writes them some day.
What is your skincare routine like? Do you have any holy grail products?
It’s pretty involved but it’s also chance for me to unwind and decompress from the day. I like cleansing, exfoliating, serums, moisturizers, you name it! I really love the GloPro by BeautyBio and my Droplette Mister, which allows the formulated skincare to actually be absorbed by your skin. I also love the SK II mask.
How would you choose to spend one hour of free time?
With my kids. They are at that age where everything is a discovery and they have so many good questions. I love just going in our yard with them and chatting about nature. Sometimes one of then will help me organize my closet. They are incredible boys.
If you could choose a song to wake up to every morning, what would it be?
Any part of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons! Classical music always makes me want to choreograph or dance, so it helps wake me up!