Goodnight 2020! December Horoscopes
And so we’ve arrived at the last chapter of 2020. This month typically has both hope and grief. We look forward to the opportunity to begin again. And we mourn what we’ve lost.
And so we’ve arrived at the last chapter of 2020. This month typically has both hope and grief. We look forward to the opportunity to begin again. And we mourn what we’ve lost.
I think it’s important to acknowledge how complex this month and the holiday season is. Add on: COVID restrictions, post-election uncertainty, economic anxiety, etc., and so we ask the stars – is there anything to really celebrate? They say “YES!”. We’re currently in Sagittarius Season until December 21st. Which wants us to take the complex circumstances that we just discussed and that Scorpio Season brought us and transform what needs to be changed with: vision, curiosity, exploration, and education. On December 1st, Messenger Mercury enters Sagittarius giving us the question, “So what, now what?” Yes, circumstances are bleak … AND? What can you do in the court of your life to change what needs to be changed and preserve what needs to be preserved?
A Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th asks the entire zodiac to live from a vision of what’s possible. The world changes when conversations change. How do conversations change? With clarity of vision. And if you know what changes a conversation AND the heart, you know what changes the world. Speaking of world-changers, taskmaster Saturn re-enters Aquaruis on December 17th where it’ll stay until 2023. Saturn in Aquarius helps the zodiac how we understand diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice through both theory and practice on the national and global dimensions juxtaposed to how we talk about these crucial conversations to our family, to our coworkers, and friends.
On December 19th, Jupiter enters Aquarius too texturing next year with the application of progressive politics, community organizing, and depolarizing conversations. It also asks us to live from abolitionist Theodore Parke spoke on, “I do not pretend to understand the moral universe. The arc is a long one. My eye reaches but little ways. I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by experience of sight. I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends toward justice.” How much Jupiter ruled faith do you have the moral arc of the Universe bends towards Aquarius Justice?
A hopeful and rare conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter both in Aquarius on December 21st can provide us with keen insight and opportunity to create Saturn ruled form on our Jupiter ruled faith related to the Aquarius ruled arenas in our lives which you can read on below. That same day, the Sun enters Capricorn until January 19th. Inspiring the zodiac to think clearly about our professional ambitions and the kind of personhood required to make those goals come true. We need to be integrous, adaptable, disciplined, flexible, and focused as we achieve our soul purpose.
On December 29th, a Full Moon in tenderhearted Cancer helps us connect with the people and places that feel like home. Check in with your chosen family and/or family of origin; have a digital or safely distanced reunion and surround yourself with people who have a shared history and love.
Aries: “Bon Voyage”, Aries! I know, I know – we’re still on lockdown. But hear me out! Sagittarius transits want you to take a new vision, a new perspective to familiar places and thereby discover what’s hiding in plain sight. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th inspires you to travel safely, enroll in a learning opportunity, and other ways to expand your horizons. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on the 21 begins an new story in your friendship, political beliefs, and community organizing endeavors. Remember, the quality of your collaborative efforts determines the nature of your results. Same day, Capricorn Season starts and you’re ready to work! You’ll be achieving new career goals left, right, and center. Is it time to ask for what you deserve? Are you ready to start your own passion project? A Full Moon in Cancer on the 29th reconnects you with all the contexts for emotional safety and home.
Taurus: Let’s go deeper, Taurus. These Sagittarius transits want you to reframe “intimacy” as Esther Perel writes, “into-me-see”. You’ll want to take off any armor or defenses that keep your deepest, most authentic self hidden. Especially under the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th. Be willing to transform so that you can have the relationships you want. A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your Aquarius ruled career zone on the 21st can completely transform the quality of your work! Take a big, bold leap of faith (with some careful considerations too!) and may all that you dream of become yours. Capricorn Season begins on the 21st too and helps you identity the key learnings of the last year and the behavior choices that reflect the wisdom. A Full Moon in your Cancer on the 29th helps you speak the inner details of your emotional world to someone who needs to hear it.
Gemini: It takes two, Gemini! Sagittarius transits help you find romantic partnerships and changes your relationship with relationships effectively. Especially by choosing partners who are different from you and partners passed. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th wants to invite new partners, deepen the ones you’re in, or lovingly complete the dynamics. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your Aquarius ruled wisdom zone on the 21st helps you explore, change your mind/heart, and uplevels your personal growth. Same day, Capricorn Season begins and brings your relationships to intimate, sexy, and passionate places. And you’ll be attracted to reliability and integrity especially. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled income zone on the 29th help you heal your emotional relationship with money. We have so many tripped wires about income and this moon can help you have a healthier emotional attachment to it.
Cancer: Let’s talk wellness, Cancer! Sagittarius transits want you to ground yourself in the healthiest strategies and behaviors that support your optimized self. Especially in the quality of your morning routine. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th reminds you of the importance of working at making your life work through meditation, healthier habits, and behavior modification. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the 21st in your Aquarius ruled intimacy and psychology zone helps you think and behave differently where intimacy is concerned.Speaking of connection, Capricorn Season begins on the 21st too and connects you with romantic partners who remind you that opposites can/do attract while they show you how they value all that you are and all that you do. Your annual and especially healing Full Moon in Cancer on the the 29th released you from all ideas, emotions, habits, and people from the past that don’t serve you in the present.
Leo: Courage thy name is Leo! Sagittarius transits help you reveal more of your heart, your creativity, hopes, fears, and aspirations too. You’re ready to share a big Truth in a big way to people who need to hear it. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th wants you to take a daring risk towards becoming the person you’re capable of. The powerful Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your Aquarius ruled romance zone on the 21st wants you to be a part of the new royal couple in town. You’re longing for a deeper, more meaningful love and this conjunction wants it for you too. Capricorn Season begins that same day helping you get grounded in routine, wellness, and personal growth. You’ll be taking little steps towards big success. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled completion zone on the 29th helps you initiate closure wherever you want it.
Virgo: Happy homecoming, Virgo! The Sagittarius transits want you to feel like you can find the people, places, and contexts of home and belonging without giving up your autonomy and freedom too. How can you have a home that anchors you AND gives you energy to explore? You’ll want to ask this of the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th and then the Universe will work to help you find it. A mighty conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in your Aquarius governed wellness zone on the 21st could give you breakthrough and success with a health related issue that’s been plaguing you. That same day, Capricorn Season begins and restores you with greater confidence and radiance. You’re feeling braver to make courageous decisions. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled friendship sector on the 29th wants to reunite you with your ride-or-dies to celebrate each other’s progress.
Libra: Straight talk leads to straight understanding, Libra! The Sagittarius transits are helping you find more compassionate, direct ways of speaking your truth. You will run risk of offending someone and you will earn the reward of knowing you spoke your truth. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th helps you name what needs to be named and get something off your chest in a powerful way. A strong conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter in your Aquarius ruled confidence zone on the 21st wants you to break a perfectionism, comparison, or scarcity habit to choose worthiness, authenticity, and confidence instead. That day, Capricorn Season begins and pushes to you to find the people who earn “family” as a title and “home” as a place that helps you succeed. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled career zone on the 29th brings about clues for professional success from your emotional landscape while thinking about work.
Scorpio: Need to find your center, Scorpio? The Sagittarius transits help you claim greater security, safety, and inner peace through actively clarifying your values, living into your values, and centering yourself by surrounding yourself with only the people, places, and experiences that give you peace of mind. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th wants to help you feel free from anxieties on income and financial issues by giving you a vision of what’s possible for financial freedom. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your Aquarius ruled home and family zone wants to create bonds with family of origin and chosen family in a meaningful way while helping you feel more at home. Capricorn Season starts that same day improving the quality of your communication skills in order to maintain your integrity with the people around you. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled vision zone on the 29th wants your aspirations, hope, and vision to feel your feels. And apply the key learnings from your feelings in order to become the person you want to be!
Sagittarius: Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! With 3 planets in your sign, the Universe wants to uplift your communication, connections, and dreams to wonderful dimensions. The Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 14th is your moment to tell the Universe all your birthday wishes. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to be, to do what I want to do, in order to have the results I want to see expressed?” so the Universe can help you manifest those answers. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your Aquarius ruled communication zone on the 21st allows you to understand new ways of communication, active-listening and perception too. Then Capricorn Season begins on the 21st too inspiring you to claiming internal safety, security and bringing that internally defined conviction the external complicated spaces. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled intimacy and authenticity zone motivates you to share a sexy truth in order to cultivate deeper relationships.
Capricorn: Set up the Out-Of-Office, Capricorn! Sagittarius transits want you to spend time in contemplation and review. You want to review the events of the last year and identify what were the key-learnings. And try to spend time in contemplation in order to assimilate those learnings so you can apply new behaviors soon. Since the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th helps you release low-level circumstances, situations, events, and relationships that don’t serve your highest and brightest good. A Saturn-Juptier conjunction in your Aquarius ruled income zone can help you find innovate ways for financial freedom and security. Then it’s your birthday month! Capricorn Season begins on the 21st and wants your birthday wishes to come true. Lead the zodiac with your wisdom, empathy, ambition, and integrity. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled romance zone on the 29th helping you connect across contrast by inviting new love, deepening the bonds, or completing ones you’re no longer fulfilled with.
Aquarius: Power to the people, Aquarius! Sagittarius Season helps understand your power-within, your power to change, and your power with the people. You’re feeling motivated, cautiously optimistic, and helpful about social causes. A Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 14th reframe your collaborative efforts. So that you might achieve more together as you bring folks in who may not always agree with you but do share your values. A life-changing conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in your sign on the 21st will give you the reward and results of the work you’ve been putting in. Pay attention to all that comes up for you! Since Capricorn Season begins on the 21st that same day and helps you identify the closure, completion, and all you want to be released from just in time before your zodiac season starts. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled routine zone wnats new strategies for personal development that can be tried first thing in the morning!
Pisces: You better werk, Pisces! Sagittarius Season helps you claim greater ambition, work your fish tail off, and make career dreams come true. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is listening to your intentions: on what you want to be, what you want to do, and where you want your work to take you. So be specific and fearless in addressing this to yourself and the Universe! A powerful and rare Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the 21st wants to help you feel optimistic about closure by releasing you from whatever holds you back from swimming at full speed. You’re ready for closure! Then Capricorn Season begins that same day and reunites you with your friends, your community, and the social/political causes you’re deeply passionate about. A Full Moon in your Cancer ruled confidence sector on the 29th helps you feel more worthy of love, joy, belonging, and success exactly as you are. You don’t need to prove anything. Happiness and success are your birthright and you deserve it all right now!