In Bed With
Caroline Vazzana on How to Fashionably Unwind
Ever wonder what a fashionista wears to bed? We chatted with Caroline Vazzana, fashion editor, influencer, stylist and author of Making it in Manhattan (she’s basically the real life Carrie Bradshaw!) to find out. In the city that never sleeps it can be hard to catch restful ZZZs. She shares what helps her drift off.
Do you have a bedtime ritual?
It’s different everyday, especially because sometimes I’m out late for work events and others I could be having a relaxing night in. I’d say I always take off my makeup with my Neutrogena remover wipes and then finish it off with my La Mer face cream. It’s definitely a splurge but I just love it so much!
What do you wear to bed?
Okay so I’m either a complete matching set girl or I’m stealing my fiancés sweats, it depends on the night!
What is on your bedside table?
A notebook, eye mask, phone charger and some jewelry! In case I’m running out the door and don’t have time to think I’ll grab the rings or earrings I see there!
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Night owl!
Which scent makes you think of bedtime?
Are you reading or watching anything good at the moment?
Funny enough, my fiancé and I realized we had both never seen all of the Harry Potter movies! We just finished six and I’m hooked!
What is your guilty pleasure?
I’m a big snack person! I love chips and salsa!!
What are your favorite fashion trends at the moment?
Maximalism is definitely having a moment- which is great for me because I’ve always been super eclectic! I hope the color and sparkle wave stays for a while- it’s more fun!
How do you engage in self-care?
Self care looks different to everyone but for me it can be a range of different things. One of my favorites is taking myself out on dates. I love going to my favorite restaurant alone and ordering my favorite thing!
What is your favorite way to de-stress?
When I have free time and really want to decompress there’s nothing I love more than snuggling up with a good movie and my two cats!
What is your favorite workout at the moment?
My at home SoulCycle bike!
What do you consider the single most important thing for a good night’s sleep?
For me, the thing that affects my sleep the most is stress or if I feel like I have an unfinished project. So to combat that I try to make daily to do lists and check off the most important things each day before I go to bed!
What was your favourite childhood bedtime story?
When I was little I loved the Strega Nona books!
What is your skincare routine like? Do you have any holy grail products?
Moisturizer and sunscreen are everything for me! Some of my favorite brands are: Sunday Riley, Erno Laszlo, La Mer, Drunk Elephant and Clarins.
How would you choose to spend one hour of free time?
I want to say reading a book, but I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to dig into any new books lately. Hopefully soon!
If you could choose a song to wake up to every morning, what would it be?
Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift! It just always makes me motivated!